
Results of the InFo­cus News­let­ter Survey

Dear For­my­con Team,
we are very hap­py about the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in our InFo­cus News­let­ter Sur­vey of a bit more than 30% (54 peop­le par­ti­ci­pa­ted). This is a pret­ty good value, espe­cial­ly in the cur­rent situa­ti­on. We are also plea­sed that the news­let­ter is gene­ral­ly per­cei­ved very posi­tively. In your comments, the­re is a lot of expli­cit prai­se and only a few things that you think we can impro­ve or add.

In addi­ti­on to the expec­ted peak on HR-topics and the “Gene­ral Inter­nal News”, we are posi­tively sur­pri­sed that the “News and Arti­cles worth Rea­ding” Sec­tion is very well recei­ved. When it comes to addi­tio­nal con­tent, the wish for more infor­ma­ti­on on the pro­jects / pro­ject updates is men­tio­ned repeated­ly. We are hap­py to take the­se and other sug­ges­ti­ons into account and will check how we can inte­gra­te them.

Of cour­se, we are always open to ide­as abo­ve and bey­ond the sur­vey. Plea­se feel free to con­ta­ct Cor­po­ra­te Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons per­so­nal­ly or by e‑mail.

Below you will find the com­ple­te evaluation:

How do you like the Newsletter?


How inten­si­ve­ly do you read the Newsletter?

I read the ent­i­re newsletter
I read cer­tain sections
I scroll through
I do not have time for the newsletter
The­re is a newsletter?

Which Sec­tions are you most inte­res­ted in?

HR News
Rexx News
Gene­ral Inter­nal News
Qua­li­ty News
Pro­ject Manage­ment News
IT News
Digi­ta­liz­a­ti­on News
Safe­ty with a Smile
News and Arti­cles worth Reading

What addi­tio­nal Con­tent would you like to see?

  • A Mile­stones and Achie­ve­ments Section
  • Updates on Pro­jects and Time­li­nes (repeated Answer)
  • Intro­duc­tion of Depart­ments or Projects
  • Brief­ly (in turn) intro­du­ce Con­ta­ct Per­sons for the Departments
  • Office Health: Sitting/​Standing, Exercises
  • More Arti­cles about Bio­tech Industry
  • Q&A‑Feature of a Staff Mem­ber, a Reci­pe, “Aus­flug of the Month”
  • Inte­gra­te the Staff more eg via Chal­len­ges bet­ween Working Groups etc.

What else can we improve?

  • Arran­ge­ment of the News­let­ter in a Tiling System

For­my­con AG       Daten­schutz | Impres­sum